英语电子书|How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck: Advice to Make Any Amateur Look Like a Pro


书籍英文名:How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck: Advice to Make Any Amateur Look Like a Pro 

书籍作者:Stockman, Steve

书籍简介:Newly updated and revised, How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck is a quick and easy guide that will make your video better instantly—whether you read it cover to cover or just skim a few chapters. It’s about the language of video and how to think like a director, regardless of equipment (amateurs think about the camera, pros think about communication). It’s about the rules developed over a century of movie-making—which work just as well when shooting a two-year-old’s birthday party on your phone. Written by Steve Stockman, the director of the award-winning feature Two Weeks, plus TV shows, music videos, and hundreds of commercials, How to Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck explains in 74 short, pithy, insightful chapters how to tell a story and entertain your audience. In other words, how to shoot video people will want to watch.


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