英语电子书|Borderless Leadership: Global Skills for Personal and Business Success


书籍英文名: Borderless Leadership: Global Skills for Personal and Business Success 

书籍作者:Zlatica Kraljevic

书籍简介:”Borderless Leadershipis a must read for anyone involved in international business. It enables beginners to avoid common pitfalls, and seasoned executives will recognize many of their own mistakes and benefit from the frameworks Dr. Kraljevic provides.” — Professor Sibrandes Poppema, President, University of Groningen, Netherlands

“I just cannot stop recommending this book to ever so many people–my academic colleagues, industry colleagues, friends in the government, former students, students, young CEOs of start-ups that I mentor, and my media friends. The book is very special, deep with several gems of ideas, told in absorbing narrative; neither a text book nor a cook book but a candid, sincere, and extremely effective set of real world lessons for so many global citizens. Dr. Kraljevic uses personal examples from across continents, in diverse industry settings. All I can say is this: Go, grab the book on a Thursday night, and you will have a wonderful weekend reading this amazing book.” — Professor S. Sadagopan, Director, International Institute of Information Technology of Bangalore, India


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