英语电子书|Self-discipline in 10 days: how to go from thinking to doing


书籍英文名:Self-discipline in 10 days: how to go from thinking to doing 

书籍作者:Theodore Bryant, Theodore Bryant

书籍简介:Follow the system in this book and you will achieve more self-discipline in your work life, your personal life, and any other area of your life that you choose. You will go from dreaming, thinking, and planning to doing: Fast! You will quickly start to turn your ideas into actions and achievements. You will learn to apply simple techniques that will benefit you for a lifetime. Take your first step toward self-discipline today by ordering now! Youll learn: How To Overcome The 5 Common Psychological Roadblocks To Self-Discipline! How To Identify & Rid Yourself Of The Sub-Conscious Beliefs That Sabotage Self-Discipline! How To Use Simple Time Management Techniques! How To Program Your Psychological Functions For Maximum Self-Discipline!


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